Twelve Hearts
To commemorate the launch of Midnight Minor, we will be releasing these Twelve Hearts is a highly limited collection of 1-of-1 edition NFTs representing 12 archetypes of the Midnight Minor universe. All of them are night owls, but each one has different quirks. What lies in store for holders of these labors of love? Stay Awake!
Join us at Creator’s Heist at MetaJam Asia on July, 14th, 2022 To win one of these highly limited edition Twelve Hearts NFTs. In addition, you will get to experience cool exhibits, participate in fun games, learn about upcoming NFT projects, and make friends with others in the NFT community.

10 mins of photo-taking, edits the whole night long, pulling out all the effects cause I want more follows and likes!

You know the type… the master of hype! The future is great, the future is bright! WAGMI! Diamond Hands! To the Moooooooon!

I’m just going to lie right here and wait for the winds of change to sweep me away…Cause whatever I do won’t make any difference now, so…yeap, time to sleep!

24/7 Go-Getter
Working hard 24/7 for passion or perhaps to survive? Go big or go bust!

Star Gazer
Building castles in the sky! You may say that I’m a dreamer and unrealistic, but hey…all innovation starts from big dreams right?

S**T Stirrer
This heart is smart but thrives on mischief! (Sniff…sniff…) Can you smell what new scheme….oops!… I meant trend this one is cooking up next?

mad coder
Geeky coder by day, superhacker by night. This heart sees everything in code. Afterall, we may all be living in a simulation!

maverick designer
When the client only confirms this morning and the deadline is tomorrow… The Maverick Designer bends time once again to pull a hat-trick!

The champion of pulling all-nighters. The master of the graveyard shift…burning the midnight oil. Don’t forget to take care of that liver; the silent sufferer!

Mixing, remixing, and dishing out fresh tracks from the bedroom! One big break…is all it takes… and we’ll see this heart playing LIVE for a sea of people!

Up late and bored, she throws together different looks with matching makeup for tomorrow’s night out!

Why so serious? Like Jekyll and Hyde, when the sun goes down, the other self comes out to play. A dance under the moonlight, a performance that no one else sees. All the world’s a stage, so just be free!